The Ultimate Renewable

Responsibly sourced wood and wood products are not just a beautiful and functional part of our everyday lives. They’re also renewable. They help us feel better by connecting with nature. They contribute to rural and regional economies.


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Imagine a world where all the forest lands were protected and cared for. What do you see? Forests with healthy and protected biodiversity Biodiversity refers to the variety of living species on earth. Plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi included. Healthy biodiversity in forests plays a fundamental role in maintaining the health and functionality of ecosystems, […]

What do trees have to do with a sustainable fashion industry? Have you been thinking about the companies you buy from and how you can hold them accountable for making responsible decisions for the planet? Recent shifts in consumer behaviour indicate a growing emphasis on sustainability and ethical practices, with buyers increasingly favouring brands that […]

The circular economy is a model that aims to minimise or do away with waste. The goal of the circular economy is to make the absolute most of available resources by promoting sustainability, reuse, recycling, and innovation.   In a perfect circular economy, forest and wood products play a crucial role by embracing sustainable and maintainable […]